Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Story Problems: Subtraction

What is a story problem?

A story problem is a math equation that is told in a story or word form.

Are there different types of story problems?

Yes, there are three different types of story problems in subtraction. They are called take away, missing addend, and comparison.

What is the difference between the two?

Take Away - In count forward one previous number is being added to a new number.

Bobby has three chocolates. He gave two to his sister. How many chocolates are left?

Missing Addend - In unite sets two numbers are being added together with no previous number.

Jill wants to buy a sticker for $2, she only has $1. How much money does Jill need to buy the sticker?

Comparison - In unite sets two numbers are being added together with no previous number.

William has 3 blue dice and 1 red dice. How many more blue dice does William have than red?

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