Friday, September 10, 2010

Story Problems: Addition

What is a story problem?

A story problem is a math equation that is told in a story or word form.

Are there different types of story problems?

Yes, there are two different types of story problems in addition. They are called count forward and unite sets.

What is the difference between the two?

Count Forward - In count forward one previous number is being added to a new number.

Katie has 2 stickers in her sticker collection. When Katie went to the state fair she brought home 3 more stickers. How many sticker does Kaite have now?

Unite Sets - In unite sets two numbers are being added together with no previous number.

Johnny had a box. His mother gave him 3 pens and his dad gave him 2 pens. Johnny put all the pens into his box. How many pens are now in the box?

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