Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Parts of an Equation: Addition and Subtraction

The first step to truly understanding how to add and subtract is to understand the parts of an equation!

Addition -

A simple addition problem usually looks like this


The + sign is called a plus sign. This sign means add.
The = is called an equal sign. This shows the answer to the problem you have just completed.
Both the 6 and the 2 are called addends in addition. The two number that will be added
The 8 in this problem is called the sum. The sum is the answer you got to by adding two or more numbers together.

Subtraction -

A simple subtraction problem usually looks like this


The - sign is called a minus sign. This sign means subtract.
The = is called an equal sign. Just like addition, this shows the answer to the problem you have just completed.
In subtraction the number 4 is called a minued. This is the number that comes first and is usually the larger number.
Unlike addition the 1 has a different name then the four. It is called a subtrahend and is usually the smaller number.
The 3 in this problem is called the difference. The difference is the answer you got by subtracting two or more numbers together.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Magic Number Square

What does a magic square look like?


What is a magic square?

A magic square is a NxN square when the digits are added diagonally, vertically, and horizontally all equal the same number. For Example...

How does it work?
1. Add four extra square like shown in the picture titled before.
2. Then starting with the green square write one and count up diagonally. When you run out of squares jump down to the diagonal square below the number 1 and repeat but for number 4.
3. "Fold" in each extra square. Follow the color pattern just like the picture!
Hint: The middle number in the number line is always the middle number in the square!

Before After

Can I try?

OF COURSE! Click here to open. When the web page opens you will see a video that is an advertisement. Scroll down to find this picture.
If your sound is turned on you will here a child tell you "Press the green button to start!" After clicking the go button this picture should come up.

If you need anymore help instructions are on the bottom!

Friday, September 10, 2010

Story Problems: Addition

What is a story problem?

A story problem is a math equation that is told in a story or word form.

Are there different types of story problems?

Yes, there are two different types of story problems in addition. They are called count forward and unite sets.

What is the difference between the two?

Count Forward - In count forward one previous number is being added to a new number.

Katie has 2 stickers in her sticker collection. When Katie went to the state fair she brought home 3 more stickers. How many sticker does Kaite have now?

Unite Sets - In unite sets two numbers are being added together with no previous number.

Johnny had a box. His mother gave him 3 pens and his dad gave him 2 pens. Johnny put all the pens into his box. How many pens are now in the box?

Friday, September 3, 2010

Base Ten

What is base ten?

  • Base ten is the number system we use to count, add, subtract, and much much more!
  • It consists of digits 0-9.

What are base ten blocks?

Base ten blocks are toys or tools used to help understand place value, regrouping, addtion, and subtraction.

On average base ten blocks look like this.
What are base ten blocks used for?

Base ten blocks can be used for adding larger numbers. Watch this video to see a demonstration.

Can I try?

Click the image to practice using base ten blocks.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Story Problems: Subtraction

What is a story problem?

A story problem is a math equation that is told in a story or word form.

Are there different types of story problems?

Yes, there are three different types of story problems in subtraction. They are called take away, missing addend, and comparison.

What is the difference between the two?

Take Away - In count forward one previous number is being added to a new number.

Bobby has three chocolates. He gave two to his sister. How many chocolates are left?

Missing Addend - In unite sets two numbers are being added together with no previous number.

Jill wants to buy a sticker for $2, she only has $1. How much money does Jill need to buy the sticker?

Comparison - In unite sets two numbers are being added together with no previous number.

William has 3 blue dice and 1 red dice. How many more blue dice does William have than red?

Monday, August 30, 2010

Black Holes

When someone thinks of a black hole they usually think of this.

But in class we learned about mathematical "black holes". Black holes are equations that always come out with the same answer no matter what number is plugged in. The best way to explain is through an example.

1. Take any number.
2. Multiply it by 6.
3. Add 12 to the result.
4. Divide by 3.
5. Simplify.
6. Subtract twice the original number.

The answer should always be 4. I'll walk you through using two different numbers.
1. 5 = 5
2. 6x5 = 30
3. 6x5+12 = 42
4. (6x5+12)/3 = 14
5. 2x5+4 = 14
6. 2x5+4-2x5 = 4

1. 7 = 7
2. 6x7 = 42
3. 6x7+12 = 54
4.(6x7+12)/3 = 17
5. 2x7+4 = 17
6. 2x7+4-2x7 = 4

Now try it yourself!

Black holes always because in the end everything is cancelled out except the number you want your answer to be. If you look at number six in the equation above you will find 2x7+4-2x7. Take out the 4 and complete the rest of the equation.

2x7-2x7= 0

The answer is zero because the two sides have been cancelled out.
Therefore the answer to this black hole will always be 4.